A large part of graphic design is typography. The font has to fit the rest of the page, shouldn't disturb the reader too much, the list is endless. So, I wound up learning a whole lot about typography I rarely use anymore and probably forgot as well. Some of the assignments were fun though, this one in particular where the a catch-phrase had to be a visual image as well.
The line in this one is from a Bon Jovi song, I can't remember why I chose it, though it worked rather well with it having many different letters. For some reason this one came to me rather naturally, with the outcome getting a lot of praise from the teacher back then.
Another assignment was creating a picture in which the different rules and descriptions were explained by visual imagery. The idea was so children would also be interested in typography, hence the rather childish picture. This was drawn long before I regained actual interest in Lego again.
