If there was one thing I'd always been really good at as a child it was drawing something with the right perspective. It's not that remarkable, I'd always drawn trucks, and those are essentially just big boxes with a lot of details in them (mirrors, windows, wheels etc.). I'd been taught the rules of perspective at middle school but in graphic school we were taught a lot of new rules, which made me able to determine the middle of a pointed roof.
We were handed papers on which a building was described by just what size each wall was, and we were told to draw it the right way. Next assignment was the give the building some flair and to make it real. I was a masterplayer at Rollercoaster Tycoon, and its clear to see where I got my inspiration from. It looks like a rather silly picture but I really pushed myself by getting the perspective of the rollercoaster on the right and the waterride through the building right.
