After our assignments of drawing numerous dummies in various positions we missed out on drawing a nude model. My drawings of dummies had been rather uninspired so I wasn't too bothered about not needing to draw the nude model. I never really cared for drawing people anyway. I rarely drew a person, it was always things I was interested in.
The thing was though, we now had the assignment to draw a person from an iconic pose. If there's one person who's always done all sorts of iconic poses it's Michael Jackson, and after browsing through some magazines I found the picture I'd use. I really didn't want to do this one, being fully aware on how I was pretty bad at drawing people. I created the outlines with a pencil, then did the real drawing with charcoal. I really, really liked the pants, but not so much his right arm, hence there being a lot of black there as you can't really erase charcoal from a picture. |