I started writing lyrics at the age of 17, and wrote my first real song when I was 19. I write stuff based upon the things that happen in my life. At first they were all simple love songs but once my English got better I started to incorporate other themes in my songs.
Over the past 12 years I've written about 80 songs of which about 30 have been finalized, and 20 have been recorded. There's periods in my life I didn't write a single tune, and there's periods in my life I write song after song. While at first I wrote songs simply to impress a girl, I later on started to put my thoughts into lyrics and music to capture the emotion connected to the feelings I had about a specific subject.
Half of the stuff I've written has never been read by the persons for who it's been written. This can be due to a break up, or just because the time was never right to say certain things. With youTube around this might change though, who knows what ex girlfriend might stumble upon a song of mine. |