It's hard to imagine a world without the internet nowadays, and some generations have never gone without it. 11 years ago there was no youTube, Facebook, MySpace,Twitter, all of that was still to happen. If you'd bought a website on a free server you were quite the guy and once I started building websites at graphic school I was pretty much at the start of a revolution.

Fast forward 10 years later and the revolution has long gone, many companies are going bankrupt thanks to the internet, and communication the way it was 10 years ago is long gone. During all these changes I build up a certain knowledge in regards to both building a website and promoting it. I'll never be a millionaire thanks to it, but I've made a bit of money over the internet. I can't program, can't work with Flash, but know just enough to keep my personal website going, and am able to build websites for pretty much anything now, as long as it doesn't have to be too technical. It's mostly a hobby of mine, though I am proud to say that the Bon Jovi website I have build is one of the most popular ones out there.