2009 - Cars of the seventies
2010 - Truck of the Year
2011 - Trucks in 1985
2012 - Evolution in design
I'd been reading into design a lot, especially car design and influences from the pop art, that I decided to see whether an entire wall of cars from the same decade would actually make the wall get a seventies feeling. I started looking at how many cars had been released from 1970-1979, made a complete archive and started compiling a database to find out in what order they'd been released. Design is always influenced by a former design, so theoretically a car from 1975 should have design influences from 1970. It didn't really work out that way though, mostly due to me combining cars released in America with cars released in Europe, and there are strong design differences in both territories. The wall did look really good though, but with me not being satisfied with the result I took all drawings down a few months later. |