A friend of mine had a son who suffered from terrible nightmares. The boy was 1 year old when I got to know him and we could often hear him wake up over the babyphone crying and screaming hystericly, which could be quite frightning.
I felt helpless and wanted to give him something so his mom and dad would always be in the room whenever he'd try to sleep. His dad read comics a lot and liked Batman, while his mom told me she used to read Spider-Man. Comic books sometimes do cross-overs and I wondered if there'd been one of Batman and Spider-Man.
There was only one, and I tried to copy the cover of the original book. Once again having markers fitting the picture was the real issue. The pink and purple became an issue halfway through despite some of them having never been used. The picture looks a bit childish, but when keeping in mind that it was made for a 1 year old who just liked the characters for the way they looked it'd be quite perfect. What's also remarkable is that it took a boy's nightmares for me to start drawing Batman. |
